Saturday, October 21, 2017

Catalonia - fake freedom.

As amazing as it is to say, up until 1975 Spain was ruled by kings and dictators.


Little men with little dicks who wield life and death power over their serfs whose dictated role is to provide for the leadership class... OR ELSE.

In 1975 the last dictator of Spain, Francisco Franco, died.  This left a power vacuum which the people stepped in to partially fill on their own behalf.  The result was a new constitution in 1978 resulting in a parliamentary monarchy.  Spain still has a king (Felipe VI) but its kind of like the Queen of England.  He's mainly a figurehead as the last vestiges of the insanely fucked up notion that someone having "royal" blood is automatically better and the master of everyone else finds its way into the dustbin of history.

Of course the elite do not like to give up their slave ownership role easily.  Keep in mind what I have written about elite many times - they have no real power.  They are the little old men hiding in the Oz machine speaking in a booming voice, belching fire and demanding compliance.  All it takes is for this con game to collapse is a little girl who is not afraid to pull back the curtain and let everyone see the dickhead at the controls.

The elite know they are losing their power and that it is happening at an exponential rate.  Within 15-20 years I predict that all roles of royalty will be all but retired.  The people will reject the notion of someone getting a free living simply because of who their parents and grandparents were.  It's coming and it will arrive a lot sooner than many think possible because of the exponential nature of the decay of a con game.

Catalan in Spain is 1 of 17 supposedly "Autonomous Communities" or regions that are bound (as if by economic ropes of some sort) to funneling a percentage of their economic output to a central authority which can do as it pleases with the fruits of their slave labor.  The game of the elite is to make people feel like they are free when in fact they are still indentured slaves.  As long as the theft of labor is maintained via taxation without representation by several means, including the sneaky inflation tax that is enabled by the elite use of fake money, the elite quietly let people live in the illusion of freedom.  But they always put clauses in place which essentially allow them to revoke these fake freedoms at will.

That is the purpose of article 155 of the Spanish constitution.  It allows the central government the agreed upon authority under vague "it's not going our way" circumstances to take control of any of the regions.  Let me repeat how every government operates:

  • The slave decides to do as he will in contradiction to government wishes.
  • The government sees this action and politely notifies that it does not like the action; cease and desist.
    • It does not matter that the action of the slave is not hurting anyone!  What matters is that the action of the slave reduces or threatens to reduce benefits paid to the slave master.
  • The slave does not listen and in fact may increase the offending activity.
  • The government sends legal notice and perhaps lawyers to demand compliance "for the good of everyone " which is elite speak that actually means "for the good of the master".
  • The slave continues to show open contempt for the orders.
  • Final warnings are given by government.  Upon failure to comply, the armed troops are sent in.  They don't care what innocent people they hurt or kill.  They are fucking attack dogs for the corrupt slave master.
At the end of the day, ALL requests given by ALL governments are orders which are backed up by a rifle butt to the face and a bullet to the head.  It doesn't matter that Catalans living today did not sign the 1978 constitution.  They are being held accountable for the decisions of others.

History is clear on these matters.  The slave should NEVER complain until he is fully prepared to go to battle with his oppressor and to either do so much damage that it is a MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) situation or an outright victory is possible.  Any other strategy is completely stupid because it always plays out the same way.  Slaves cannot go into combat based on emotions, they have to go to war fully armed and mentally prepared to pay for their eventual freedom in blood because the elite will not settle for anything less.

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